Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Santa Clause 3

I just LOVE this kids and I just got done watching it! Now I think im going to make some hot chocolate and pull out my christmas recipe binder and think of ideas of what im going to do to it.

I started copying my christmas recipes onto my cute new Gooseberry Patch recipe cards that came with my kit. They look SO cute now!

I also started to plan my Christmas in July party. Its going to be a Dough swap....that way, no one is baking in the 100' weather and also, this way, we can have cookies anytime we want! Now, I just need to figure out what kind of cookie Ill make. I make my annual Andie candie cookie (everyones fav) at my December cookie/ornament swap, so I want to find something just as wonderful, but different for my July swap!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Happy May Rudolph Day!

Well,I was so excited to have my Rudy day today....but...other things got in the playing on ALL DAY with my mom!!! I admit it..we are addicted!! I just had a Rudy day a few weeks ago so im not too terribly upset.

I hope everyone had a great day and got what they were supposed to do done ....Im going to have Rudy day tomorrow!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

a Surprise Rudy day!

So today, I had a surprise rudy day!! I had the christmas bug in me! I started going through my notebook...again and cleaning it out! I found so many little things that didnt work for me last year, so this year im making it strictly for me. I normally print off everything in the countdown and only end up doing 3/4 of it because certain things dont pertain to me. Im sick of wasting paper!!! So hopefully this will be the most organized christmas ever!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

2008 Rudolph Days

Here is my list so far for Rudolph days. Its not very big, but will add things if necessary.

-Figure out what cookies to make for christmas.
-Figure out what side dishes to make: Find 1 new recipe.
-Finish recipe binder, add new recipes as needed.
-Put together Rudolph day tote.
-Make a list of homemade gifts.
-Read Rudolph day blogs.

-Start Christmas cards.
-Plan Christmas in July tea.
-Print new forms.
-Try 1 new holiday recipe.
-Read Rudolph day blogs.
-Work on homemade gifts.

-Plan Christmas cookie/ornament exchange.
-Plan holiday family dinner party.
-Make 24 days of Christmas Activities list.
-Read Rudolph day blogs.
-Work on homemade gifts.

-Make christmas countdown (tp ones)
-Make 5 freezer meals.
-Read Rudolph day blogs.
-Work on homemade gifts.

-Update lists.
-Get notebook in order for countdown.
-Finalize all menu plans.
-Read Rudolph day blogs.
-Work on homemade gifts.

-Start shopping for non-perishables
-Address Christmas cards.
-Buy stamps.
-Update address list.
-Read Rudolph day blogs.
-Finish all homemade gifts.

-Mail Christmas cards.
-Buy remaining gifts on black friday!!
-Read Rudolph day blogs.

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